
Thanks to the sponsors of Park Politics! Please have a look at their wide range of products and services!

AK Wien

AK Wien, the Vienna Chamber of Labour is x-LArch patron 2018. AK is occupied with public space and reveals the impact of communal policies on workers and their environment in the Journal „AK Stadt“. https://wien.arbeiterkammer.at/service/zeitschriften/akstadt/index.html


x-LArch-partner 2018, the art department of the company for publicly owned real estate, realises permanent and temporary art projects in and around public buildings – an exciting dialogue between art and architecture. http://www.big-art.at


Experts of DACHGRÜN are x-LArch-Friend 2018 and market leaders in greening buildings. As BOKU alumni they are part of the team to elaborate Austrian Standards for green rooftops. http://dachgruen.at

Kammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen ArchitektInnen und IngenieurInnen

The chamber of civil engineers and architects, x-Larch partner 2018, engages as an active plattform to ensure professional, economic and social benefits for their members. http://wien.arching.at/home.html

Berliner Seilfabrik

The wide range of products of Berliner Seilfabrik, x-LArch-partner 2018 is an up to date producer of playground equipment and enriches parks around the globe. Their experts support landscape architects in design and realisation. https://www.berliner-seilfabrik.com/

MA19 - Magistrat für Architektur und Stadtgestaltung

The department for architecture and urban design of the Vienna City Council, x-LArch-patron 2018, is guiding the actual development of the urban image of Vienna and will present the ‘Concept for Public Space’. https://www.wien.gv.at/stadtentwicklung/architektur/

MA7 - Wien Kultur

The culture department of Vienna, x-Larch-partner 2018, creates the framework for creative professions and the arts to be presented in public.  https://www.wien.gv.at/kultur/abteilung/


The association ÖKOWEGE, x-LArch patron 2018, produces and markets soft waterbound and hard path surfaces using natural materials with a high environmental responsibility. http://www.oekowege.at

Kulturland Oberösterreich

The culture department of Upper Austria, x-LArch-partner 2018, supports mediation of its rich cultural heritage through academic research, monument and heritage protection as well as structural support. https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/145.htm

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich

The culture and art department of Lower Austria, x-LArch-patron 2018, has a high reputation beyond the national borders for supporting and realising more than 600 art projects in public space since more than 20 years. http://www.publicart.at/de/home/

Find more sponsors of Park Politics.

Donauinsel, Entwurf Gottfried und Anton Hansjakob, Wien, 1976; Ausführungsplan Nordteil, Ausschnitt (LArchiv)

Donaukraftwerk Freudenau, Entwurf Team 3C (Wimmer, Schwarz, Hansjakob), Wien, 1989; Schaubild vom rechten Ufer (LArchiv)

Donauinsel, Entwurf Gottfried und Anton Hansjakob, Wien, 1976; historisches Foto um 1980 (Foto: Hansjakob, LArchiv)

Studierende bei der Analyse historischer Archivalien aus dem LArchiv (Foto Krippner)

Siedlung Oberlanzendorf, Entwurf Albert Esch, 1936; gärtnerische Perspektive (LArchiv)

Rosarium Doblhoffpark, Entwurf Viktor Mödlhammer, Baden, 1960; Entwurf (LArchiv)

Rosarium Doblhoffpark, Entwurf Viktor Mödlhammer, Baden, 1960; historisches Foto (LArchiv)

Garten Radio-Radiis, Entwurf Josef Oskar Wladar, Wien, 1936; Schaubild (LArchiv)

Rosarium Doblhoffpark, Entwurf Viktor Mödlhammer, Baden, 1960; historisches Foto (LArchiv)

Rosarium Doblhoffpark, Entwurf Viktor Mödlhammer, Baden, 1960; historisches Foto (LArchiv)

© LArchiv

Garten Dirnhuber, Entwurf Albert Esch, Wien, 1928; technische Perspektive, Detail (LArchiv)

© LArchiv

Garten Tarbuk, Entwurf Josef Oskar Wladar, Wien, 1953; Detail (LArchiv)

© LArchiv

Garten Delfiner, Entwurf Helenium, 1927; Detail (Architektur und Bautechnik 17, 1930, Heft 7, S. 103)

© LArchiv

Yella Hertzkas Höhere Gartenbauschule, Schülerinnen im Rosengarten, Wien, 1926 (Die Bühne 6, 1929, Heft 249, S. 38)

© LArchiv

Garten Feigl, Entwurf Willi Vietsch, 1934 (Der Baumeister 2, 1935, S. 207)

© LArchiv

Detail aus einem Dia-Kasten im LArchiv

© LArchiv

Staudengarten an einer Trockensteinmauer, Entwurf Hanny Strauss, um 1932 (Werbeprospekt Hanny Strauß, um 1932, LArchiv)